5 exercises we hate, and why you should do them anyway

Modifying some least-loved, but valuable exercises, such as the plank, can still reap health benefits for those who dislike the moves. PHOTO: NYTIMES

NEW YORK – Some exercise moves are easy, others are tough but manageable. But there are always a few that people truly abhor. Some are so reviled that they have their own merchandise, with phrases such as “Burpees hate you too”.

If you are not the “no pain, no gain” type, is it okay to just skip the burpee or any of your other least favourite moves?

“There are some movements that some people are never going to want to do and that’s okay. But most people underestimate themselves when it comes to fitness,” said Ms Ashantis Jones, a mental health counsellor and personal trainer in Chicago.

Trying something hard and realising you actually can do it, she added, is a confidence boost with benefits that stretch beyond the gym. In a 2022 study, scientists found that adults that they classified as unhappy reported higher life satisfaction after trying (often physical) activities outside their comfort zone.

“No one likes to do things they aren’t good at,” said Ms Crystal Fasano, a Brooklyn-based personal trainer and pilates instructor. But “change happens when we get a little uncomfortable”, she said.

The secret: Every exercise can be modified and any version of an exercise counts.

Here are some of the most valuable, least-loved exercises, according to a sampling of experts, and how to make them a little more appealing.


“All my clients hate planks,” Ms Jones said. That may be because they have not learnt to do them correctly or they are trying an overly advanced version.

Planks are one of the most effective ways to build core strength, which supports posture, balance and overall stability. If you skip them, you really are missing out.

How to adjust: The classic plank involves holding your body horizontal, in a straight line, with your hands or forearms and toes on the floor. But that is not the only way to do it.

“You can do forearms and knees, or hands and knees,” Ms Jones said. You can also put your hands on a sturdy chair or table or even a wall. Elevating your upper body removes some of the weight from the plank to make it more doable.


Whether it is jumping jacks or squat jumps, Ms Fasano said, many people detest jumping exercises. “So many people land really hard after jumping and don’t understand how to soften the impact on their joints when they jump,” she said.

That is a missed opportunity, said Mr Maillard Howell, a personal trainer in Brooklyn and co-owner of Dean CrossFit. “Jumping improves balance, coordination. It helps train the quick reaction we need if we slip,” he said.

How to adjust: There are some circumstances – injuries, recent surgeries, joint instability – that might make jumping a bad idea. And if you have certain kinds of pelvic floor dysfunction, particularly stress incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse, it is best to consult a physical therapist first and start slow.

But it is hard to find a more versatile movement. Beyond balance and coordination, jumping raises your heart rate and builds pelvic floor strength. And learning to land softly can help a lot.

Keep your knees slightly bent when landing, and aim to let the toes and the balls of your feet touch down first, rather than landing on a flat foot, Ms Fasano said.

Start slow and break down the movement. You can start with box step-ups before progressing to jumps onto a small box, then a larger box.

For jumping jacks, start with stepping jacks, then progress to hopping your feet just a few centimetres apart, before going for a wider jump.


A squat is an exercise that some people revile, but that is among the best for core and lower body strength. PHOTO: NYTIMES

Mr Howell likes to observe how the people around him move, whether in a fitness setting or on the subway.

At some gyms (not his own), “no one is squatting”, he said. On the subway, he notices when fellow passengers need to grab a pole to get out of a seat. These two things, he said, are connected.

Squats are a foundational movement pattern that anyone who wants to sit and stand independently – whether from a subway seat or a toilet – should do, he said. It does not mean you have to like them, but there are ways to make them more bearable.

How to adjust: Start simple. “Sit on a bench and then get up. Do that a bunch of times,” Mr Howell said.

When you are ready, try sitting on the bench and standing with your weight mostly on one leg for a few reps, then the other. Work your way up to a squat without a seat and, when that is feeling good, add weight, he added.

The ankles need to be able to flex deeply to allow the knees and hips to bend, said Ms Jill Koshak-Johnson, a physical therapist in New Jersey. If you have limited ankle mobility, certain exercises and standing with your heels on a wedge can help.

Dead lifts

Dead lift dread is more about fear than hatred, said Ms Koshak-Johnson. “People believe dead lifts are bad for their back or may aggravate existing back injuries.”

And, yes, if you try a dead lift, which involves leaning over from the hips to pick up a weight, with a heavily loaded barbell on your first trip to a gym, your back might revolt. But dead lifts done properly are one of the best ways to strengthen your hamstrings and glutes, which “can actually help take a load off the back”, she said.

How to adjust: Dead lifts can feel much more supported if you can address limitations in hip mobility as well as tension or tightness in the pelvic floor, Ms Koshak-Johnson said.

Prepare for the dead lift session with some exercises to activate the hip internal rotators and adductors. Work your way up by trying a hip hinge on your knees, then a standing one, she said.

Add weight slowly, using a pair of light dumbbells to get the hang of it, and asking a trainer to watch your form.


No list of hated exercises would be complete without the burpee. Invented as a fitness test in the 1930s, it was later adopted by the Army and Navy, and is still popular in gyms. Many of Ms Jones’ clients assume they cannot do one, but many people can do some version.

“The way your body looks or is shaped, that does not matter to the burpee. The burpee does not care.” 

How to adjust: At its core, the burpee entails moving from standing to a horizontal position on the floor and getting back up again. An advanced burpee can involve quickly squatting down, jumping into a plank, performing a push-up, jumping forward into a squat, then jumping back into a standing position.

You can adjust any of the parts that feel too uncomfortable, Ms Jones said.

You can step back into a plank, skip the push-up, step forward one foot at a time or stand without jumping. “It also doesn’t have to be quick, it can be slow,” she added.

None of those difficult elements “are necessary for a burpee to be a burpee”. NYTIMES

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