Ex-bus driver convicted after vehicle struck pedestrian; victim had part of left leg amputated

SINGAPORE – An SBS Transit driver was driving a bus in 2021 when it struck a woman pedestrian at a traffic light that was in her favour, and she had to have part of her left leg amputated.

Tan Phuay Khoo, 62, who is no longer with SBS Transit, was convicted on one count of causing grievous hurt to her by driving in an inconsiderate manner.

On Monday, Deputy Public Prosecutor R. Arvindren asked District Judge Kok Shu-En to sentence Tan to between nine months and a year in jail, stressing that the victim was in her 30s at the time and her life has been permanently affected.

“The accused was operating a heavy vehicle and the turn was within a residential zone. He had proceeded to make the turn even though the pedestrian green light was in the pedestrian’s favour,” said the DPP, adding that she was walking at a normal pace.

But defence lawyer Anthony Wee pleaded for his client to be sentenced to three months’ jail.

He told Judge Kok that Tan had a clean driving record prior to the case and had provided excellent service in public transportation.

Mr Wee also said that Tan is not remorseless and is in the twilight of his career.

Responding to queries, an SBS Transit spokesperson said: “Mr Tan is no longer in our employ. We have dismissed him.”

On Jan 19, 2021, Tan was driving a bus at around noon when he reached the junction of Pasir Ris Drive 1 and Pasir Ris Drive 2.

At the same time, the victim was crossing Pasir Ris Drive 1 as the traffic light was in her favour.

Tan made a discretionary right turn after waiting for a van to pass, and the bus struck the woman.

She was rushed to Changi General Hospital with injuries including fractures to both legs and degloving injuries in her left leg. A body part is said to be degloved when top layers of skin and tissue are ripped from the underlying muscle or bone.

The woman had to have part of her left leg amputated.

She had testified during the trial that she is now unable to perform daily activities such as climbing stairs without assistance.

In his submissions, DPP Arvindren said: “The accused’s action of just driving through the junction, when he himself admitted there were obstructions, is clearly inconsiderate and without justification.”

During the trial, Tan had also conceded that he did not notice the victim at all before the collision.

The prosecutor said in his submissions: “If the accused is insisting that... obstructions made things difficult for him to have spotted the victim, he simply should have stopped and checked.”

Tan is expected to be sentenced on Oct 3.

If convicted of causing grievous hurt to another person by driving in an inconsiderate manner, an offender can be jailed for up to two years and fined up to $5,000.

Correction note: In an earlier version of the story, we said the accident took place in 2019. This is incorrect. It occurred in 2021. We are sorry for the error.

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