CCP at 100: Stability in China still elusive

China has grown powerful and assertive under Xi Jinping but the tightening grip of the party and one-man rule generate risks for the country’s future

A poster of former Chinese leader Mao Zedong. As the Chinese Communist Party turns 100 in July, China is emphasising self-reliance again. PHOTO: EPA-EFE
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The Chinese Communist Party is all set for a patriotic extravaganza to celebrate the 100th anniversary of its founding on July 1, fresh from the triumph of having eradicated extreme poverty and suppressing a coronavirus pandemic still raging in other parts of the world.

Although arrangements for the commemorations remain shrouded in secrecy, with the authorities yet to release details, Beijing's Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City and other scenic sites in the capital have been closed to the public. All over the country, too, signboards have been put up ahead of next week's centenary celebrations.

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