Entrepreneur Awards 2019 launched for Indian community

(From left) Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI) CEO Kumaran Barathan, SICCI chairman T. Chandroo, and organising chairman and SICCI board director Parthiban Murugaiyan at a press conference on July 22, 2019, where the launch of the SICCI Entrepreneur Awards 2019 was announced. ST PHOTO: TIMOTHY DAVID

SINGAPORE - To recognise outstanding Indian entrepreneurs and inspire Singaporean Indians to become entrepreneurs, the Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI) officially announced the launch of its Entrepreneur Awards 2019 on Monday (July 22).

SICCI, formerly known as the Indian Merchants Association, is the representative body for Indian businesses in Singapore.

The public can nominate three of the six awards to be presented at the award ceremony on Nov 9.

The awards open for public nomination are the Established Entrepreneur Award, for an individual representing a corporation with above $10 million in annual revenue; the Promising Entrepreneur Award, for an individual representing a corporation with $10 million or less in annual revenue; and the Young Entrepreneur Award, for entrepreneurs aged between 18 and 35 .

Nominations can be made online at www.sicci.com/sicci-entrepreneur-awards-2019 until Sept 23.

Nominees must be of Indian origin, a Singaporean or permanent resident, own at least 30 per cent share in the business which must be registered in Singapore.

The three other awards are the Best Innovation and Technology Award, the Global Presence Award and the Excellence in Corporate Social Responsibility Award .

The winners will be shortlisted and picked by the awards committee.

The judges are Mr Gautam Banerjee, senior managing director of Blackstone Group; Mr Inderjit Singh Dhaliwal, founder and chief executive of Solstar International; Ms Chew Mok Lee, assistant chief executive officer of Enterprise Singapore; and Mr Max Loh, managing partner, Singapore and Brunei and IPO Leader, Asean, Ernst & Young.

"The awards is one way in which we showcase Indian entrepreneurship at its best," said Dr T. Chandroo, chairman of the SICCI.

"It continues a tradition of entrepreneurship which Indians the world over can be proud of. We hope it inspires our young to continue this worthy tradition," he added.

The awards will be presented by Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat at the SICCI's 95th Anniversary Gala Dinner at Marina Bay Sands .

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