Malaysian couple remarry each other, 21 years after divorce

Ms Hawazalina Mohd Othman and Mr Mohd Ezwani Ahmad Nazeri were married for two years before separating in June 2002. PHOTO: LINA LEENA/FACEBOOK

A Malaysian couple have rekindled their romance and tied the knot again – 21 years after they got a divorce.

Ms Hawazalina Mohd Othman, 46, and Mr Mohd Ezwani Ahmad Nazeri, 45, were married for two years before they decided to go their separate ways in June 2002.

The duo then went on to remarry and have children. Unfortunately, those unions did not last, reported Malay daily Harian Metro.

During those years, Ms Hawazalina and Mr Ezwani did not contact each other.

But he made contact again when he left a condolence message on Ms Hawazalina’s Facebook page on Feb 22, two days after her mother died, said Ms Hawazalina. He had reportedly found out about the death from a mutual friend.

“Initially, I could not recognise him because we’ve not seen each other for so long, and his face has changed. But, my younger sister pointed out that it is Ezwani,” Ms Hawazalina told Harian Metro.

“He wanted to be friends with me on Facebook and from there, we started talking and caught up on each other’s lives. He then suggested we get back together, and I agreed.”

The couple, who have three children each, got married for the second time in April.

Ms Hawazalina, who teaches crocheting and sells her handicraft on social media, said she believes the marriage will last this time.

“Although we were divorced due to personal reasons, throughout our marriage, he was a good and responsible husband. I believe he is still the same man he was 21 years ago.”

She added their immediate family, including their respective children, accepted their decision to remarry.

“I hope our marriage will remain until the end of our lives.”

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