Brain drain: Majority of Malaysians who emigrated moved to Singapore, says human resources minister

Questions were raised on how to retain and pull talent back into Malaysia, said HR Minister V. Sivakumar. ST PHOTO: ALPHONSUS CHERN

KUALA LUMPUR – A total of 1.13 million out of 1.86 million Malaysians who have migrated overseas are residing in Singapore as at 2022, said Human Resources Minister V. Sivakumar.

He was commenting on Malaysia’s brain drain issue, which was discussed an industry dialogue session held by Talent Corporation Malaysia (TalentCorp) themed “Malaysia Madani: Addressing Challenges in the Talent Ecosystem” on Tuesday.

He said questions were raised on how to retain and pull talent back into Malaysia.

“Brain drain is happening everywhere in the world... 3.6 per cent of the world’s population have migrated from their home country to other countries.

“From the Malaysian perspective, the migration percentage is 5.6 per cent of the total population (33 million)... The migration consists of 1.86 million people.

“So, to say it is a brain drain or migration, they have only gone to our neighbouring country Singapore,” he said after the dialogue session, which he chaired and was attended by 20 industry captains from the private sector.

The business leaders are members of TalentCorp Industry-Talent Advisory Council and TalentCorp Malaysia Global Talent Advisory Group.

He added that Malaysians have also migrated to the United States, Australia and Canada, noting that some people say it is good to gain experience and knowledge from other countries. THE STAR/ASIA NEWS NETWORK

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